Compensation strategy

Balance the Scales Between Pay and Value Creation

Paying for impact recognizes and rewards people for the value they bring.

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Compensation strategy

Balance the Scales Between Pay and Value Creation

Paying for impact recognizes and rewards people for the value they bring.

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It takes more than a 20% pay raise to lure most employees away from a manager who engages them. It takes next to nothing to poach disengaged workers.

Turn Your #1 Cost Into Your Biggest Return on Investment

For the majority of companies, employee pay is their #1 cost. It is also a significant part of why employees come and stay with your organization. Yet most organizations do not approach compensation strategically. It is a check-the-box activity.

By aligning compensation strategy with the business strategy, Acera helps clients turn their #1 cost into their biggest return on investment. Identifying and paying for critical talent and skills, rather than tenure and experience, leads to greater pay progression, internal pay equity, and external competitiveness.

Building Trust Through Pay

Acera helps navigate the emotional impact associated with compensation changes. We prioritize change management and communication to accelerate successful adoption and implementation. When managers are trained to feel confident and comfortable with pay and performance conversations, they build trust while assuring employees they are being paid fairly.

Through strategic communication and pay transparency, employees gain agency to increase their pay through skill growth and business outcomes.

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58% of organizations do not train managers on pay communications.

The Acera Experience

Integrated Strategy

Talent and compensation strategies are often approached separately within organizations, leading to confusion and ineffective outcomes. Acera Partners integrates these two strategies to unleash growth for both your people and the organization.

Experienced Consultants

Our team consists of experts across a diverse range of talent and compensation consulting. To supercharge our team’s effectiveness, we enhance our projects with leaders in change management, strategic communication, project management, and client service. This is our difference.

Collaborative Approach

Our collaborative way of working means we’re not delivering our solutions. We’re co-creating your solutions. With a team of consultants tailored to your project, we work as an extension of your organization — ensuring that you own every change that’s made.

Innovative Solutions

At Acera Partners, we get to know your organization by starting with a thorough discovery process. Only then can we help create breakthrough solutions to meet your organization’s unique needs.


"Carrie Magee is a true partner, consistently bringing forward thought-provoking insights tied to business outcomes."

"I would highly recommend working with her and her team if you want to drive value creation in your talent and pay practices."

Suzanne Hough

"Carrie is so knowledgeable about talent and competitive compensation strategies."

"She is also incredibly insightful and responsive to the challenges I face. I would hire her and her team in a heartbeat to help my organization optimize its talent and pay strategies."

Neeta Salvi

CFO, Global Fortune 100 Automotive Technology Company

"It was a pleasure to work with the Acera team. I greatly appreciated the level of expertise, insights and patience that they brought to our organization."

"Within my former company, we were scattered in terms of compensation philosophy but through Acera’s leadership, together, we built a strong compensation philosophy that aligned with our organizational values and goals. By having a detailed compensation strategy we were able to engage with our people to explain how their contributions fit into the organization and how and why the employee is rewarded. We also gained reliable insight into the market value of our roles as they exist today and how that will continue to evolve through future growth and funding. This will help us make better talent and financial decisions going forward."

Troy Reisner

Chief Financial Officer at Phunware (NASDAQ: PHUN)

"I have known Anne for over 5 years and she has been a collaborative partner for me across multiple organizations—a go to."

"She takes time to truly understand our business situation and human capital needs and approaches every opportunity with openness and creativity. She models excellence and ensures that every deliverable meets high-quality standards and expectations."

Julie Tschida Brown

EVP, Chief People and Culture Officer at Zayo Group

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